Friday, December 7, 2012

And so because of some whatsapp content, I feel strangely compelled to type out a little love story experienced by my friend. 

I call it The First Time I met you in Taiwan
(note that some parts have been changed and exaggerated to engage the readers)

Pulling a her black cardigan over her stylish white top, Relee sighed.
She was alone with her mum and her sister in this cold foreign land they call Taiwan.
Relee missed her friends back in Singapore dearly and hoped to return back to her beloved country as soon as possible.
Relee's mum spotted her sulking in a corner and rushed to her.
"Darling, we are here in the amazing Taiwan! Come on, don't sulk anymore. This village is celebrating some lantern festival! Go on, take a look!" her mum encouraged.
Relee took a quick a glance at the surroundings and processed her mother's advice.
Her mother was right. Taking a look around would not hurt.
Slowly, she started to become engaged in the village's festivities. Before long, she was enjoying the magnificent display of lanterns.
Whipping out her polaroid camera, she decided that the view of the lanterns was too magnificent to miss.
She looked around for her mother and sister but they were nowhere to be found.
As she fumbled around with her camera, trying out different angles which would include her own face and the view with an endearing lack of success.
When Relee was on the verge of giving up, a deep voice bellowed.
"Hello, do you need help?" in chinese
Relee looked up and she realised that she was staring straight at a boy.
The boy belonged to the village and he was clad in a tight brown shirt which tugged at his bulging muscles and curved in the shape of his well defined abs.
A large straw hat was pulled over his handsome weather beaten  face. He totally resembled the famous Hong Kong actor, Kevin Cheng.
Relee found herself deeply attracted to his muddy brown eyes however, she recovered her composure soon enough.
"Well, can you help take a picture of me and the lovely view of the lanterns?" Relee finally requested. However, she quickly asked " Are you sure you know how to operate this?" as she was deeply concerned about his ability to operate a piece of technology which was rather rare in the village.
The boy chuckled to himself and replied "Of course,.Are you belittling me?"
Relee felt a a warm feeling rush to her cheeks before posing for the camera.
Soon enough, the boy took the polaroid out of the camera and a smile flickered across his suave countenance.
"Alright, thank you!" Relee managed and reached out to extract the polaroid from his hand.
To her astonishment, the boy jumped out of her reach and jokingly ran away with the polaroid.
"Actually... Can I keep it?" he yelled as he ran from her clutches.
Relee felt herself entertained by his actions and naturally, she chased after him.
As the two played around and finally, the boy collapsed onto the grassy floor in exhaustion. Surprised by his abrupt stop, Relee fell on top of him.
Relee felt his well defined body cushion her fall and his chest was so warm in the gray cold weather of Taiwan.
Coincidentally, Relee looked into the boy's eyes and the two were trapped in each other's gaze.
After what seemed like eternity, Relee snapped out of her trance. Both of their cheeks turned crimson red as they sat up.
All of a sudden, Relee was greeted by a flashing light.
The boy took a picture of Relee and he grinned as he shoved the polaroid into the pocket of his baggy jeans.
Relee felt her face turn hot and her heart started to accelerate.
"Hey, your face looks rather red. Are you feeling alright? Why don't I cool it down for you a little? My hands are really freezing!" the boy muttered.
Before Relee could react, she felt the cold icy hands of the boy cupped against her cheeks and he had a look of deep concern on his face.
"There there, better?"
The touch of his skin sent electrical vibes down the blood vessels in her body and commanded goosebumps to form.
His hands. Relee loved the touch of them.
"So, before I forget, what is your name, lovely lady and where are you from?"the boy asked with a look of curiosity.
Before Relee could stop herself, she revealed her name as though his hypnotizing voice had command over her body.
"Relee huh? That's a beautiful name" he uttered. "Do you have facebook?"
Relee found herself nodding in reply.
"Good. I will add you. Although our meeting may be short, I believe that destiny will bring us together again. This will not be the last time you will see me" the boy winked and he inched closer to Relee and planted an electrifying kiss on her forehead.
Relee was stunned. Although a part of her was really shocked, the other part of her was loving the kiss.

"RELEE! Where have you been? It's getting late! We have to go back to the hotel soon!" Relee's mother appeared all of a sudden.
"Oh honey, who is that boy?"she continued.
"Oh nothing, mum. Just a newly made friend!" Relee hollered.
"Okay then. Hurry! Tell him you have to go!" Relee's mum ordered as she hurried away.

The boy smiled at Relee and spoke "Seems like you have to go huh."
Relee nodded with despair filled in her eyes.
"Don't worry, I'll miss you but I will facebook you. Perhaps someday, I will fly to Singapore to visit you!"
the boy encouraged and waved goodbye.
Relee felt tears welling up in her eyes but she suppressed them and put up a happy demeanor before waving back.
"See you" she whispered as she noticed the tinge of sadness in his posture as he disappeared into the bushes.

She felt the same way.

Looking down at her polaroid camera, she tucked it nicely into her bag, just like how she kept the memories of the encounter with the boy safely in her heart.

Hope you enjoyed it~


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