Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hey again. I just renovated my blog, changed the skin, added some music and tagboard.
Haha I'm actually rather surprised that I didn't lose touch.
Okay now, no to what I promised.
Presenting~ (drum roll, jubilant cheers, excited squeals)

My Sweet Sixteen
haha there was no party, just church camp.
My church camp was from 1st to 3rd Dec.
And my birthday was right smack in the middle: 2nd Dec
haha, to be honest, I was feeling quite sad about it as I wanted to celebrate this important day in SG, not Malaysia.
But God's plan works best.
Alright, I shall start with my birthday morning.
You think that morning means breakfast time? No. Morning as in the wee hours of the morning at 1am.
To tell the truth, despite being so hyped up over the fact that my birthday was coming, I didn't even realise when the clock struck 12.
All these years, my birthday meant receiving loads of birthday wishes on twitter and facebook, receiving presents and eating cake.
This year was different and it made me change my opinion on my perspective of an ideal birthday.

Moving on, my birthday breakfast was a little embarrassing.
There I was walking to the buffet area to have breakfast and then everyone suddenly sang me a birthday song. I was stumped. I wasn't really expecting that. So I nodded gratefully and thanked everyone. But still I was half asleep and still processing the surprising reception.
And then, J presented this plate of waffle + pancakes combo. As much as I was grateful for this sudden birthday breakfast, the contents of the plate looked queer.
The waffles and pancakes were smeared with peanut butter, butter and jam. Sounds alright. However, in the middle of all the ingredients, there was this suspicious looking green thing. It resembled an unidentified fruit, yet at the same time a deformed gummy bear. I was examining it warily but I decided to eat it anyway since he had graciously arranged the buffet breakfast for me.

After, I had a stomach ache. I don't think there was a problem with the green thing. It was me. My mindset. Or my weak stomach. Actually I thought it was my large intestine which was made lousy by my horrible habit of chomping solid water.

Yeah it sucks to have a stomach ache on your sweet sixteen. Been there, done that.

Oh after the breakfast we had a sermon. And then we had lunch. After that, my church friends and I went to the nearest shopping mall to watch RISE OF THE GUARDIANS.
Before the movie, Jia Xuan and I decided to play at the arcade for a while. We tried our luck at the basketball hoop thing and kind of failed miserably. The best we could make it to was level 2.
And there was this dude next to us who was shooting like a pro.
That day, we left the arcade without our pride.
To be fair, he was a guy who is physically stronger.
Oh who am I kidding, this is no excuse.
Haha my feminist side is showing.

Anyway, the RISE OF THE GUARDIANS was amazing:) I was frost-bitten (if you know what that means;) well if you don't, it means an infatuation with the handsome yet sadly fictional Jack Frost. He's so good looking you can just look at him all day. Haha if he were real, he would be quite the ladies' man. Besides that, the sandman was so adorable I felt like just grabbing him and hugging him like there's no tomorrow:) And so the plot was absolutely awesome and it is definitely a must-watch.

Handsome fellow;)
presenting the adorable sandman

haha I see that this post is kind of long so I shall end it:)


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