Friday, September 5, 2014


It might have possibly been forever (hyperbole alert) since I've updated. Spontaneity and circumstances (more like mood changes) uncalled for have urged me to channel those sentiments hovering around in the space of my anti-gravitational heart, to a more tangible form. Tada 

And so onto the latest hapz event of my life (or lack thereof haha blame game is on A levels) 

Gabby's birthday party πŸŽ‰

Gabz was a real regal princess yesterday (and also all day every day 😍)
Yesterday has got to be one of the grandest birthday parties I've ever been too. The only other smashing party I've been to would be yasmin's brother's laser tag-in-the-woods party and yup got all muddy and unkempt. Aside that, really thankful to her for the invitation and I'm really glad she's in my life :) 

Also, the possible awkwardness that I was expecting was expelled by the warmth and friendliness of all who were there :) made lovely friends and it was amazing how we could all click so easily :) 

These girls really made my night :') thankful for meeting them:) 

The hilarity of 01 needs to maintain! Such a fun bunch ^^

Love her to bits πŸ™†


All 'em gorgeous girls (inferiority complex building up hahahah)

Jials my fellow cumberbitch 😍😍😍 sherlockians are so hard to find 😭

A levels are cray, akin to climbing up a never-ending stairwell. But the friends you meet along the way are the greatest :)

And when you reach the top, the view is spectacularπŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽ† (fireworks during the party, how timely ^^)

And so, if there is anything to take away from this. 
1) Gabz birthday party was fabulous (just like the birthday girl herself)

2) You are not alone in the season of difficulty and trying moments. God has blessed you with the accompaniment of great friends surrounding you as you travel along.

Keep the faith; 59/58 days left ??

Don't count the days, make the days count.


Friday, December 7, 2012

And so because of some whatsapp content, I feel strangely compelled to type out a little love story experienced by my friend. 

I call it The First Time I met you in Taiwan
(note that some parts have been changed and exaggerated to engage the readers)

Pulling a her black cardigan over her stylish white top, Relee sighed.
She was alone with her mum and her sister in this cold foreign land they call Taiwan.
Relee missed her friends back in Singapore dearly and hoped to return back to her beloved country as soon as possible.
Relee's mum spotted her sulking in a corner and rushed to her.
"Darling, we are here in the amazing Taiwan! Come on, don't sulk anymore. This village is celebrating some lantern festival! Go on, take a look!" her mum encouraged.
Relee took a quick a glance at the surroundings and processed her mother's advice.
Her mother was right. Taking a look around would not hurt.
Slowly, she started to become engaged in the village's festivities. Before long, she was enjoying the magnificent display of lanterns.
Whipping out her polaroid camera, she decided that the view of the lanterns was too magnificent to miss.
She looked around for her mother and sister but they were nowhere to be found.
As she fumbled around with her camera, trying out different angles which would include her own face and the view with an endearing lack of success.
When Relee was on the verge of giving up, a deep voice bellowed.
"Hello, do you need help?" in chinese
Relee looked up and she realised that she was staring straight at a boy.
The boy belonged to the village and he was clad in a tight brown shirt which tugged at his bulging muscles and curved in the shape of his well defined abs.
A large straw hat was pulled over his handsome weather beaten  face. He totally resembled the famous Hong Kong actor, Kevin Cheng.
Relee found herself deeply attracted to his muddy brown eyes however, she recovered her composure soon enough.
"Well, can you help take a picture of me and the lovely view of the lanterns?" Relee finally requested. However, she quickly asked " Are you sure you know how to operate this?" as she was deeply concerned about his ability to operate a piece of technology which was rather rare in the village.
The boy chuckled to himself and replied "Of course,.Are you belittling me?"
Relee felt a a warm feeling rush to her cheeks before posing for the camera.
Soon enough, the boy took the polaroid out of the camera and a smile flickered across his suave countenance.
"Alright, thank you!" Relee managed and reached out to extract the polaroid from his hand.
To her astonishment, the boy jumped out of her reach and jokingly ran away with the polaroid.
"Actually... Can I keep it?" he yelled as he ran from her clutches.
Relee felt herself entertained by his actions and naturally, she chased after him.
As the two played around and finally, the boy collapsed onto the grassy floor in exhaustion. Surprised by his abrupt stop, Relee fell on top of him.
Relee felt his well defined body cushion her fall and his chest was so warm in the gray cold weather of Taiwan.
Coincidentally, Relee looked into the boy's eyes and the two were trapped in each other's gaze.
After what seemed like eternity, Relee snapped out of her trance. Both of their cheeks turned crimson red as they sat up.
All of a sudden, Relee was greeted by a flashing light.
The boy took a picture of Relee and he grinned as he shoved the polaroid into the pocket of his baggy jeans.
Relee felt her face turn hot and her heart started to accelerate.
"Hey, your face looks rather red. Are you feeling alright? Why don't I cool it down for you a little? My hands are really freezing!" the boy muttered.
Before Relee could react, she felt the cold icy hands of the boy cupped against her cheeks and he had a look of deep concern on his face.
"There there, better?"
The touch of his skin sent electrical vibes down the blood vessels in her body and commanded goosebumps to form.
His hands. Relee loved the touch of them.
"So, before I forget, what is your name, lovely lady and where are you from?"the boy asked with a look of curiosity.
Before Relee could stop herself, she revealed her name as though his hypnotizing voice had command over her body.
"Relee huh? That's a beautiful name" he uttered. "Do you have facebook?"
Relee found herself nodding in reply.
"Good. I will add you. Although our meeting may be short, I believe that destiny will bring us together again. This will not be the last time you will see me" the boy winked and he inched closer to Relee and planted an electrifying kiss on her forehead.
Relee was stunned. Although a part of her was really shocked, the other part of her was loving the kiss.

"RELEE! Where have you been? It's getting late! We have to go back to the hotel soon!" Relee's mother appeared all of a sudden.
"Oh honey, who is that boy?"she continued.
"Oh nothing, mum. Just a newly made friend!" Relee hollered.
"Okay then. Hurry! Tell him you have to go!" Relee's mum ordered as she hurried away.

The boy smiled at Relee and spoke "Seems like you have to go huh."
Relee nodded with despair filled in her eyes.
"Don't worry, I'll miss you but I will facebook you. Perhaps someday, I will fly to Singapore to visit you!"
the boy encouraged and waved goodbye.
Relee felt tears welling up in her eyes but she suppressed them and put up a happy demeanor before waving back.
"See you" she whispered as she noticed the tinge of sadness in his posture as he disappeared into the bushes.

She felt the same way.

Looking down at her polaroid camera, she tucked it nicely into her bag, just like how she kept the memories of the encounter with the boy safely in her heart.

Hope you enjoyed it~


Well hello again. I am putting in much effort to ensure that this blog stays updated:)
Alright so, I was watching X FACTOR USA and realised that Cece Frey is finally eliminated. ERM ITS ABOUT TIME. I have no idea why she remained in the show for so long. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure Cece is an awesome girl outside of the show and she sure sings a lot better than most of us. Also, she is blessed with gorgeous looks. However, as compared to Carly Rose and the rest, she never really had a chance. I thought she was amazing when she first auditioned though she had that bad girl attitude going on. But now, I have no idea why but she makes me wince every time she sings. I'm sorry Cece, I think you are really stunning and you probably are a really nice person but I wont be buying your records.

As usual, Carly Rose is rocking the house. Tate Stevens is shaking the stage. These two are worthy opponents. I'm more Carly biased though. I can't even do what she is doing when I was thirteen. Now three years have passed and I still can't do it. I bet the same goes for many of us as well so no excuse. THIS GIRL IS FREAKING TALENTED. God bless her.

Hmm Simon's groups are amazing. Look at One Direction. They are living evidence of Simon's success. However, I don't feel for Emblem 3. Sure they can harmonize and one of them is pretty good looking. I am just not a fan:( On the other hand, I think Fifth Harmony is really great! Have you heard them singing Demi's song? WOW I was stunned and just amazed. Now it is continually replaying in my head. Oh darn it. Here we go again~
Don't wanna break your heart, 
Wanna give your heart a break. 
I know you're scared it's wrong, 
Like you might make a mistake. 
There's just one life to live 
And there's no time to wait(to waste). 
So let me give your heart a break, 
Give your heart a break, 
Let me give your heart a break, 
Your heart a break, 
Oh yeah yeah. 




Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hey again. I just renovated my blog, changed the skin, added some music and tagboard.
Haha I'm actually rather surprised that I didn't lose touch.
Okay now, no to what I promised.
Presenting~ (drum roll, jubilant cheers, excited squeals)

My Sweet Sixteen
haha there was no party, just church camp.
My church camp was from 1st to 3rd Dec.
And my birthday was right smack in the middle: 2nd Dec
haha, to be honest, I was feeling quite sad about it as I wanted to celebrate this important day in SG, not Malaysia.
But God's plan works best.
Alright, I shall start with my birthday morning.
You think that morning means breakfast time? No. Morning as in the wee hours of the morning at 1am.
To tell the truth, despite being so hyped up over the fact that my birthday was coming, I didn't even realise when the clock struck 12.
All these years, my birthday meant receiving loads of birthday wishes on twitter and facebook, receiving presents and eating cake.
This year was different and it made me change my opinion on my perspective of an ideal birthday.

Moving on, my birthday breakfast was a little embarrassing.
There I was walking to the buffet area to have breakfast and then everyone suddenly sang me a birthday song. I was stumped. I wasn't really expecting that. So I nodded gratefully and thanked everyone. But still I was half asleep and still processing the surprising reception.
And then, J presented this plate of waffle + pancakes combo. As much as I was grateful for this sudden birthday breakfast, the contents of the plate looked queer.
The waffles and pancakes were smeared with peanut butter, butter and jam. Sounds alright. However, in the middle of all the ingredients, there was this suspicious looking green thing. It resembled an unidentified fruit, yet at the same time a deformed gummy bear. I was examining it warily but I decided to eat it anyway since he had graciously arranged the buffet breakfast for me.

After, I had a stomach ache. I don't think there was a problem with the green thing. It was me. My mindset. Or my weak stomach. Actually I thought it was my large intestine which was made lousy by my horrible habit of chomping solid water.

Yeah it sucks to have a stomach ache on your sweet sixteen. Been there, done that.

Oh after the breakfast we had a sermon. And then we had lunch. After that, my church friends and I went to the nearest shopping mall to watch RISE OF THE GUARDIANS.
Before the movie, Jia Xuan and I decided to play at the arcade for a while. We tried our luck at the basketball hoop thing and kind of failed miserably. The best we could make it to was level 2.
And there was this dude next to us who was shooting like a pro.
That day, we left the arcade without our pride.
To be fair, he was a guy who is physically stronger.
Oh who am I kidding, this is no excuse.
Haha my feminist side is showing.

Anyway, the RISE OF THE GUARDIANS was amazing:) I was frost-bitten (if you know what that means;) well if you don't, it means an infatuation with the handsome yet sadly fictional Jack Frost. He's so good looking you can just look at him all day. Haha if he were real, he would be quite the ladies' man. Besides that, the sandman was so adorable I felt like just grabbing him and hugging him like there's no tomorrow:) And so the plot was absolutely awesome and it is definitely a must-watch.

Handsome fellow;)
presenting the adorable sandman

haha I see that this post is kind of long so I shall end it:)


Monday, September 7, 2009

This video is clearly extracted from youtube.
This video is specially dedicated to the AWESOME and FANTABULOUS journalist of 1E3, Luk Ching.

thx Luk Ching for ur amazing article.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Im having feverrrrr....
not good
today i had to be sent back.
Waited at the back of the hall for like forrever...
People kept staring as they passed by.
I bet they were going ' swine flu'
And behind us, sec 3s were dancing.
I mean seriously dancing...
weird much...
and plus im sooo tired now. I slept for 4 hrs.
Still tired...
oh n e ways then the school called taxis and we were sent home...

im wearing a mask.
Relatively uncomfortable.
Hope I can go to school tomorrow.

too tired to continue.
God Bless.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I watched Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen. awesome. better than twilight. But for new moon im not sure.
The other movies I wanna watch...
-Aliens In The Attic
-Harry Potter half blood prince
-Ice Age 3
-Slam Band
This months movie are soooo awesome.

Shia LaBeouf ROCKS!
Shia LaBeouf ROCKS!

I love <333333 Optomus Prime!!! ahhhhh!!!!!

ok. today.
common test. I did the bonus mark question.
yay me.

Omgosh! Tomorrow! Its my turn for the trinity Guildhall!!!! ahhhhh
2day, I got tested by Mrs Leong.
Said my newspaper may fail if I dont add more.
Ha. 4mins become 40secs.
But the rest is okayyy...

Please help me, God!

Improvisation for newspaper article script commencing NOW!

Oh and thks Amaris for returning my 5k! thks sooo much!!!!!!!!

much ado about nothing.

saw that on the dor of the passing by taxi.


okay, gtggtgtgtgtgtgtgtg bb...